We are located in the village of Petruša, Knjaževac municipality, Eastern Serbia.
The East always means a dose of mysticism, mystery, special philosophy and beliefs that interpret life. East Serbia also keeps such ingredients in itself - by stimulating imagination. Wherever you go to Eastern Serbia - from the mighty Djerdap to beautiful villages on Stara Planina – some interesting places and people are waiting for you. More than anywhere in Serbia, reality and legend are mixed, so it's difficult to get to know the boundary between them.
Timok landscape is also known for the tradition of wine and brandy production. The conditions for growing vines and fruits are simply ideal here. The Negotin and Knjazevac vineyards have already been labelled with protected geographical origin.
In this region, the hosts will serve you with a kashamak called “belmuž”, a venison stew, a nettle soup, and the beans are a special gourmet event. You must try the “trkanicu”, the cheese to the "velvety", the sour cabbage, the aspic, the “white” peppers and other specialities of this region.

Eastern Serbia tourism: http://www.traveleastserbia.org/english/